10 Anxiety Jewelry Pieces to Help You Stay Calm and Centered

2 min readMar 14, 2023

Are you looking for the perfect way to relieve your anxiety? Jewelry has been used as a form of relief for centuries and it’s no different today. Anxiety jewelry can be a great way to stay calm and centered in times of distress. Here are 10 pieces of anxiety jewelry to consider:

1. Crystal Necklaces

Crystals have long been used to help reduce stress and anxiety. Wearing a crystal necklace can help you stay grounded and focused on the present moment. Some crystals that are known for their calming properties include quartz, rose quartz, and amethyst.

2. Aromatherapy Jewelry

Aromatherapy jewelry is a great way to get the benefits of essential oils without having to carry around a bottle. Aromatherapy jewelry is usually made of sterling silver, and it has a pad or locket that you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to. Once the oil is added, it will slowly release its scent and help you stay calm and relaxed.

3. Essential Oil Diffusing Jewelry

Essential oil diffusing jewelry is another great way to get the benefits of essential oils. This type of jewelry usually comes in the form of a necklace or bracelet and has a built-in diffuser that you can add a few drops of your favorite oil to. The diffuser will then slowly release the scent of the oil, helping you to stay calm and relaxed.

4. Meditation Jewelry

Meditation jewelry is a great way to stay focused and centered during your meditation practice. Many pieces of meditation jewelry are designed to help you stay present and mindful in the moment, and some even feature mantras or symbols that can help you stay centered and focused.

5. Stress Relief Jewelry

Stress relief jewelry is designed to help you stay calm and relaxed in times of distress. These pieces of jewelry usually feature calming symbols or stones, such as quartz or amethyst, that can help you to stay centered and focused.

6. Anxiety Bracelets

Anxiety bracelets are a great way to help you stay calm and relaxed in times of distress. These bracelets usually feature calming stones or symbols, such as rose quartz or the infinity symbol, that can help you stay centered and focused.

7. Chakra Jewelry

Chakra jewelry can be a great way to stay balanced and focused. These pieces of jewelry usually feature stones or symbols that are associated with a particular chakra, such as amethyst for the crown chakra.

8. Healing Jewelry

Healing jewelry is designed to help you stay

